Donation Page

We appreciate our supporters and volunteers
who contribute to YMPJ.

Unite for a better future

Get Involved With Contribution, Make Yourself Proud!

When you make a personal gift, you can make a difference in the lives of our youth and their families living in under-served and under-represented areas of the Bronx. Your support will help to ensure that YMPJ provides the highest quality services to the residents of our community. Help us fulfill our mission and continue our important work by making a tax-deductible donation today.

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Writing a check or making an online donation is the simplest way to make a gift.  Make your check payable to Youth Ministries for Peace and Justice, 1384 Stratford Avenue Bronx, NY 10472. Or make an online donation by using the form above.

If you or your spouse are affiliated with a matching gift company, you can double or even triple the dollar value of your gift. Please check with your company’s Human Resources Office.

Gifts of appreciated securities are welcome and may offer significant tax advantages to the donor. If you would like to donate appreciated securities, please call the Development Office at (347)-851-5619.

YMPJ welcomes gifts of many kinds, including equipment (i.e. computers, computer ink, printers, sports equipment), supplies (paper, colored pencils). These items would greatly benefit our youths computer, journalism, GED classes, sports & fitness and other daily activities.

If you would like to volunteer and share your expertise at YMPJ, feel free to give us a call. Maybe you would love to help chaperone the children to trips during the summer program, or help coach the teams during our weekly sports & fitness activity. Perhaps you would prefer to join the administration team as an office assistant. Or, perhaps, you are the outdoor type and would like to assist our team with canoe tours of the Bronx River. Whatever your interest or expertise, feel free to call us or email us. We would love to have you join our team.